
Contact us

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Many visitors find answers to their questions in our 'Frequently asked questions' area. Try it yourself using the link below.
- Frequently asked questions



Frequently asked questions

Using our travel planner allows you to compare a range of different providers. Normally you would have had to go on each website and input data multiple times. With our travel planner, most links are pre-filled for your convenience. Classic comparison websites are usually comparing deals within the same company. With our tool, you can compare the comparison websites!

To personalise your experience and to better help your planning, you need an account so we can link all your actions and reminders. If you rather not create an account and still be able to use our travel planner for search purposes, you can do so from the homepage, select the travel mod button of your choice under “Quick Search” and then click the link “I don’t want to benefit from an enhanced experience”. Or click the link below.

Quick search

Once logged in, select the travel mod button of your choice under “Create an itinerary”.

We created a function especially for this reason. It is called “Custom Trip”. Once logged in, select the travel mod button of your choice under “Create an itinerary”. Input all the details of your trip as if you would search it from scratch and then once results are loaded, use the blue button “Save this itinerary as a custom trip”.

We created a function especially for this reason. It is called “Custom Trip”. Once logged in, select the travel mod button of your choice under “Create an itinerary”. Input all the details of your trip as if you would search it from scratch and then once results are loaded, use the blue button “Save this itinerary as a custom trip”.

Once logged in, select the itinerary from the list under the “My trips” section. Then use the “Amend travel dates” functionality.

Once logged in, select the itinerary from the list under the “My trips” section. Then use the “Amend departure/arrival points” functionality.

Once logged in, select the itinerary from the list under the “My trips” section. Then use the “Your notepad” functionality.

When you make a purchase via our links, you make your purchase/payment with the provider directly. Hence, we cannot help with any enquiries relating to that purchase. However, if your query is about the travel planning tool usage, please use the link below to contact us.

Contact us

Once logged in, select the user icon on the top right corner of your screen, then select “Deleted trips” from the rolling menu.

Once logged in, select the user icon on the top right corner of your screen, then select “My favorites” from the rolling menu. To remove an entry, clear the field and save. If you want to remove temporarily a favorite, you can do so from the search engine directly. Select “Reset this field” next to “Leaving from”. This is applicable only to flight and train search.

Once logged in, select the user icon on the top right corner of your screen, then select “My reminders” from the rolling menu.

Once logged in, select the user icon on the top right corner of your screen, then select “My past trips” from the rolling menu.

If you have an existing account with us and have forgotten your password, please use the link below. We will then send you an email with instructions to reset your password. If you don't receive your password reset email within 1 hour please check your spam folder. If the email is not in your spam folder please request another one.

Reset your password

To update or change your personal information, once you've logged in, please click on 'My account' at the top of the page.

Once you've logged in, please click on the 'My account' link at the top of the website. From here you'll see the 'Manage my subscriptions' section, which will have a tick next to the email opt-ins you currently receive. Simply click on the boxes with a tick to remove, and you'll no longer receive our emails. Alternatively, you can click on the 'unsubscribe' link at the bottom of all our marketing emails. However, if you receive postal mailings or if you still require assistance to remove your details, please use our contact form, and we'll be delighted to look into this for you, and make any necessary changes.